Do you find cat dribble off-putting? You’re not alone! Ragdoll cats are certainly not exempt from this watery little habit. Any cat can be happily purring on your lap when you suddenly realize there’s a damp patch forming just beneath its mouth!
Why do Ragdoll cats drool? The most common reason for Ragdoll cats to drool is because they are relaxed and happy, therefore drooling is usually nothing to worry about. Occasionally a Ragdoll cat might drool because of an oral condition or when it is teething.

Ragdoll Cats Drool When They’re Happy
Most of the time a Ragdoll cat drools because it is happy and content. This is by far the most common reason why Ragdolls dribble. You may also notice it when they are kneading something – your lap or any other object really – as obviously this means they are happy too.
Ragdoll cats tend to drool the most on your lap. It’s tricky because you want to cuddle your cat but you don’t want a wet patch! Dribble usually develops then hangs from their mouth. Keep a few tissues handy to solve this problem swiftly. Or even better, have an old towel ready to place on your lap first.
A Ragdoll cat purring and drooling happily on your lap is not a sign of any health problem. It’s just a sign that it is happy and maybe it’s getting a bit old too!

Ragdoll cats drooling for other reasons
The majority of the time, you will only spot a Ragdoll cat drooling when it is relaxed, content and happy. If you notice it drooling in other situations, here are some reasons why this might be:
Do Ragdoll cats drool because of oral health problems?
Not everyone brushes their cat’s teeth. There can be several reasons for this but unless you start doing it when they are young you may have problems introducing it.
Cats of an older age are a lot more resistant to someone sticking a toothbrush in their mouth than those who have had their teeth cleaned since they were kittens.
The success of tooth brushing very much depends on the individual cat. You will need to weigh up the health benefits of brushing their teeth versus the anxiety and stress it might cause.

We got our cats at an older age, and we decided against brushing their teeth because is it freaked them out. We’ve been lucky as they’ve had no tooth problems. However, if I was starting again with kittens then I would certainly try and brush their teeth daily from day one.
Many cats have a build-up of tartar on their teeth which can cause them to drool. If you can, take a look inside your cat’s mouth to see if there’s any redness where the teeth meet the gums or any obvious visible signs of problems. If your cat’s teeth look very unhealthy or constant drooling continues, book an appointment with your vet.
Does Your Ragdoll Cat Drool Whilst Being Transported?
Ragdolls can get very anxious whilst traveling. If you notice your cat drooling heavily in its cat carrier or on any journey by car, anxiety is likely to be the cause.
Signs of cat anxiety are panting and heavy breathing with their mouth open wider than it would typically be.
To make traveling as stress-free as possible, ensure you have a large enough cat carrier. Check out our recommended carriers here (opens in a new window) as if you can get this step right, you’re half-way there. Make sure you put something familiar in the carrier with your cat, such as a blanket they sleep on or something that smells of you.
Familiar smells help to minimize anxiety. Also, make sure you talk to your cat during the journey as hearing a familiar voice will help. Also, position their cat carrier so they can see you or have someone sit right next to them as this will also help.

Illness in general
Occasionally, drooling is a sign of an underlying health condition. You should be able to tell from your Ragdoll’s general demeanor if it is unwell.
They are a generally healthy breed but can develop heart conditions, kidney, and other organ problems. If your cat’s habits change such as decreased appetite or increased thirst, general lethargy, hiding away, or anything you think is unusual, take it to the vet for a thorough examination.
Is Your Ragdoll Cat Having Trouble Swallowing?
A Ragdoll cat likes to play and chew. Sometimes it is possible for them to get something trapped in their teeth or under their tongue. You may notice your cat opening and closing its mouth rapidly, pushing its tongue in and out and shaking its head as it tries to remove a foreign object.
Take a look inside your cat’s mouth to see if there are any obstructions and remove them. Often with our cat, it turns out to be his own hair that he’s pulled out.
Your Ragdoll cat might be drooling and not swallowing because it has attempted to eat or drink something it didn’t like.
If you’re sure there are no foreign bodies in its mouth, give it something nice to take the taste away!
This is uncommon in Ragdoll cats because they spend less time outside. However, if you think your cat has spent too much time in direct sunlight on a hot day and notice it is drooling excessively, place it in a cool environment to take its temperature down naturally.
A stone floor is perfect to cool a cat down. Gently rub it with cold, damp towels and encourage it to drink water. If you are concerned that your cat has serious heatstroke, take it straight a vet.
Respiratory or Other Infection
If your Ragdoll is drooling unusually, there is a chance it has a respiratory infection. This is harder to diagnose yourself so if you suspect this is the case see your vet.
Treatment can be easy and effective if dealt with quickly and often just involves a course of antibiotics. These kinds of infections are less likely with a Ragdoll cat that spends most of its time inside.
A lot of people don’t realize that several common plants are poisonous to cats. There is a long list of garden plants and flowers that can actually be quite harmful to Ragdolls (and any other cats) and cause drooling.
Here’s a list of plants and flowers you should try to avoid (opens in a new window).
Ragdoll Cats and Annual Health Checks
I can’t stress enough the importance of annual health checks for Ragdoll cats. At these, they are given booster vaccinations and have their general health assessed.
This is the best way to prevent many problems arising or catch developing conditions at an early stage.

Do Ragdoll Cats Drool? – Conclusion
Ragdoll cats drool, just like all cats and usually, there’s no cause for concern. It’s unlikely that your Ragdoll cat has any serious health problems if you see it drooling.
However, check for other signs and if you’re worried it doesn’t do any harm to call your vet, describe the symptoms and let them judge whether it is worth taking your cat for a check-up.
Don’t let the thought of drooling be a Reason Not To Buy a Ragdoll!
It’s a good idea to consider taking out pet insurance. It might seem expensive but vet bills can soon mount up to a frightening amount.