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Maine Coon Male vs Female

People often ask which Maine Coon is the best, male or female? Having owned both, I can honestly tell you it is impossible to say.

It is often claimed that a male Maine Coon is bigger than a female but this is not always the case. You’ll read that female Maine Coons are more independent but this is another myth.

As owners with experience of both genders, we explain why it is hard to say either gender of Maine Coon is better than the other.

Our last two boys had very different personalities. One was shy but cuddly and the other was outgoing and independent.

Our current girls are both confident. They prefer our company to being left alone and love spending as much time as possible with us. As yet, neither are lap cats.

Maine Coon males and females are equally gorgeous cats. Many people ask which gender makes the best pet and you’ll find various answers whereever you look.

We’ve compiled what we feel is a very concise and honest answer to this extremely popular query based on our experiences of both genders and hope you find it helpful.

Maine Coon male vs female: which gender is best?

There isn’t a great deal of difference between male and female Maine Coons. Males are sometimes larger and heavier than females and each and every cat regardless of gender has its own unique personality.

Maine Coon Male vs Female

It’s impossible to generalize and claim one gender has more character or is more friendly or is more cuddly than the other. I’ve created a simple comparison of male and female Maine Coons but only you can decide which to share your life with. Maybe you should get one of each!

Maine Coon Male vs Female: An honest comparison

I could try to compare every aspect of each gender but it is impossible to do this accurately and I don’t think it will truly help anyone to make a decision. There are many more similarities than differences as you are about to discover.

Male vs female Maine Coon size

If you want a slightly smaller Maine Coon don’t assume a female will automatically be smaller than a male as their weight and height ranges overlap.

Many females grow larger than males, even from the same litter. If you want a smaller Maine Coon, it’s parents can be an indication of its adult size so take a look at both of them first.

Maine Coon Male vs Female: Red tabby male Maine Coon

Male Maine Coons

Intact male Maine Coons behave quite differently to those that have been neutered.

Unless you are a registered breeder you should have your male Maine Coon neutered, especially if you want a home-loving, sociable pet.

The problems you may experience with an unneutered male are:

  • A tendency to try to leave the house to go in search of females
  • The urge to wander far and wide and possibly get into danger
  • Only wanting to be at home to eat and sleep
  • Spraying strong-smelling urine indoors to mark their territory
  • Fighting with other household cats in defense of their territory
  • Neglecting their self-grooming and becoming scruffy and matted

Once neutered, male cats are much more likely to be loyal, loving, sociable cats than if left intact.

Male Maine Coons tend to grow larger in weight and height than females. It’s difficult to predict one’s adult size and you will find averages vary widely depending on whose information you consult.

The lightest males tend to weigh 12 lbs and the heaviest are somewhere between 18 and 25 lbs. It is quite easy for a Maine Coon to become overweight if it is an indoor cat so owners must take care to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Heights of cats tend to be measured from the floor to their shoulder and a male Maine Coon can be anything from 10 to 16 inches.

Length is taken from nose to the base of the tail and male Maine Coons can vary between 19 and 30 inches. Tails are another factor in length and can be anything from 12 to 18 inches.

Maine Coon male vs female: grey female

Female Maine Coons

Unless you are a registered breeder, you should have a female Maine Coon spayed. This way you know she’s safe from unwanted pregnancy and won’t come into season.

A female who is spayed will:

  • Not attract attention from local tom cats every time she comes into season
  • Will not yowl in attempt to attract a mate
  • Will be much more settled and calmer
  • Will have fewer health risks in general

The lowest you can expect a female Maine Coon to weigh is 8 lbs but some may grow to be as heavy as any males. Again, be careful not to let an indoor cat overeat and become overweight.

Heights of female Maine Coons are usually anything from 10 to 14 inches. Their length tends to be in the same range as males, that is 19 to 30 inches and their tails anything from 12 to 18 inches.

Females are capable of being equally as loving and sociable as male Maine Coons.

Male and female Maine Coon similarities


Both male and female Main Coons have wonderful, sociable personalities as a rule though a lot depends on how they were socialized as kittens and how you interact with them.

As long as your Maine Coon came from a caring, responsible breeder and as long as you care for it lovingly and interact with it in a positive way every day it should develop into a confident adult cat regardless of whether it’s male or female.


The amount a cat eats is dependent on its size and activity levels, not its gender. Ensure you exercise proper portion control and keep your Maine Coon at a healthy weight.

Both male and female Maine Coons need have the same nutritional requirements.

Litter Boxes

Maine Coon males and females need a large litter box once fully grown. As long as a male is neutered it should squat in a tray to pee in the same way as a female. Speaking from experience, clean a litter box as soon as it’s been used, and have one per cat. The Petmate Giant Pan gets amazing reviews so is definitely worth considering.

Strength and activity

If your Maine Coon is spayed or neutered, there shouldn’t be a noticeable difference in muscularity and energy levels between a male or female. Only intact males tend to be stronger and far more energetic.

Indoor cats of either gender need plenty of ways to expend energy and an indoor cat tree is excellent as it provides an area to climb, perch, sleep, and scratch. This ArmarKat Tree is just amazing for large cats like Maine Coons.


Maine Coons are a generally healthy breed due to improved breeding practices. Any of the possible health conditions that can affect Maine Coons have the same chances of affecting either gender.


The lifespan of a healthy male or female Maine Coon is generally 12 to 15 years. Sadly, as for any cat, unforeseen illnesses can shorten their lifespan. Some people are lucky and their cats exceed 15 years and live to 20 plus.

It is impossible to know how long an individual Maine Coon will live so all you can do is give it the best home, diet and health care possible.


The price of a pet Maine Coon male or female should be about the same. Breeding cats vary widely in price.

Ownership cost can mount up but there is no difference in the price of raising a male or female Maine Coon.

Maine Coon male vs female

Maine Coon Male vs Female – Conclusion

It is impossible to class either Maine Coon gender as the ideal pet. You shouldn’t choose a female because you want a smaller cat or pick a male because you believe it will have a bigger personality. Every Maine Coons is a unique cat and males and females are equally worthy pets.

There are many reasons I can think of to own either gender of Maine Coon. Here are 28 of the best.

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